AVUS worldwide claim services
AVUS worldwide claim services

Legal Notice

Media proprietor, Publisher and Editor
(Information pursuant to the E-Commerce Act („ECG“)

AVUS worldwide claims service GmbH
A-4020 Linz, Blumauerstraße 25/I / AUSTRIA

Branch Office 1:
A-8010 Graz, Rechbauerstraße 4 / AUSTRIA

Branch Office 2:
A-1030 Vienna, Ungargasse 64-66, Staircase 1, Top 210 / AUSTRIA

Telephone: +43-(0)316-8022-0
Telefax: +43-(0)316-8022-9100
E-Mail: office@avus-group.com
Internet: www.avus-group.com

Company form: limited liability company
Company register number: 83543h
Commercial register court: Linz Regional Court
VATIN: ATU81070467

Executive directors:

Doris Petroni, independent
Mag. Josef Schörghuber , independent
Mag. Thomas Hurmer, independent